Tivoli Gardens celebrates the Icelandic National Day

Concert at the Open Air Stage

Join the celebration of our Nordic neighbors on June 17th

We are excited to celebrate Icelandic culture and music for the fourth year in a row. On this special day, Tivoli Gardens will be packed with the best of what our Nordic neighbors have to offer. The day will be festive, folkish, and fun!

Tivoli Gardens will traditionally be decorated with beautiful pennants, a knitting project anchored in Jónshús, which has brought together many volunteers—children, women, and men from all over the Nordic countries—to knit for Tivoli. There will be Icelandic market stalls in front of the Open Air Stage throughout the day, and from the afternoon, there will be workshop, speach and concerts – the full program will be announced soon.

Icelandic National Day in Tivoli Gardens is organized in collaboration with the Icelandic Embassy in Copenhagen and Icelandair

  • Wheelchair access


  1. Tivoli Gardens

    Free with Tivoli entrance