Rasmus Seebach

Magnificent hit maker

Friday, June 21, 2024

At 22:00

Plænen - The Open Air Stage

Tivoli Gardens is excited to throw a party with one of Denmark’s absolute biggest musicians, Rasmus Seebach.

As a singer, songwriter, and producer, Rasmus Seebach has released hits like Natteravn, Øde Ø og Olivia, which have topped the charts and gotten thousands of Danes humming along. Rasmus Seeebach has released four hit-packed studio albums, and he always delivers spectacular and grandiose live shows. Today, Seebach is known for going to great lengths to give the audience the ultimate concert experiences every time he steps on stage. Seebach doesn’t measure success in awards or sales figures – the real magic is created live with the audience.

Rasmus Seebach says: ”Giving a concert at Plænen – the Open Air stage in Tivoli Gardens means something very special to me. As a teenager, I sang along among the audience and had a blast with friends. Therefore, it is still a very special experience for me to stand on that stage. I can promise everyone that my band and I will do everything to create an explosive party! We’ll play all the ones you know, and maybe one of the new ones. I’m looking forward to rocking out in Tivoli Gardens!”