Isabella Dayyani from Aarhus, better known as DAYYANI, creates a unique blend of mainstream pop music with depth and experimental sound elements. Her music ranges from energetic Y2K-style pop hits to more reflective and emotionally charged tracks.
With her EP Pretty In Defense from 2023 and the single Nobody Kills Me Like You Do, she has already established herself as one of the most promising talents on the Danish pop scene. Her live performances are known for their energy and festive atmosphere and have made an impression at festivals like Reeperbahn and Roskilde Festival. In 2024, DAYYANI releases her long-awaited debut album and takes over the Orangery at Tivoli.
Experience more Friday Rock with a Tivoli Pass
With a Tivoli Pass, you won’t have to purchase a ticket every time you wish to get swinging at MINT concerts!
You can choose between four different types of passes: Tivoli Pass, Tivoli Pass Silver, Wild Card and Tivoli Pass Gold, all of which offer free admission to Tivoli Gardens – and of course, access to many more experiences.