Registration for newsletter

This is how we use your information

To give you the best Tivoli experience, we save certain information such as your name, e-mail address and date of birth. The information is used by Tivoli to guide and inform you of activities and offers in the Gardens, and we make sure that we never pass on this information.

We will send you information via e-mail regarding activities in Tivoli and offers on our own products, such as Multi-ride tickets, events, concerts, and admission tickets.

You will only be contacted directly by Tivoli, never by our collaboration partners, and we do not pass on your e-mail address to any of these partners. However, from time to time we may send you relevant offers from our sponsors and collaboration partners. These are:


ASE, Det Obelske Familiefond, DONG Energy, Go Dream, Hans Just, H.J. Hansen Vin, Husqvarna, Kopenhagen Fur, Nespresso, Pepsi Max, Royal Unibrew, Scandinavian Tobacco Group & Skandinavisk Motor Co.

Collaboration partners

Arp-Hansen Hotel Group, Scandic, Scanlines, DSB, Storebæltsbroen, Q-Park and Øresundsbron. 

See an updated list of Tivoli's current sponsors and collaboration partners here.

General information regarding Tivoli's processing of customer information can be found here. Please read the general information before giving your consent.

I hereby consent to Tivoli contacting me via e-mail with marketing information.