Zar Paulo is a young band from Aarhus consisting of five friends who have set out a common musical vision based on 1970s post-punk and ‘80s art rock in a balanced mix with the proud musical traditions of their hometown. With Klap For Fædrelandet, Zar Paulo masters the Danish airwaves and has received rave reviews. The band is famed for their energetic and engaging live shows and are sure to light up expectations at the Open-Air Stage!
Look forward to experiencing Patina when the three band members crank up the volume for their very first Friday Rock performance at the Open-Air Stage! They have gained great popularity in recent years – and with good reason. Patina always energises a shared sense of ecstasy when taking turns at the drums and fronting the band. Their hit Flammer Rammer was the most-played title on DR radio P3 in 2020, and their refreshing style has made them one of Denmark’s most interesting rock bands.