Online tickets

REMEMBER that you must print out your onlineticket on paper and bring it with you to Tivoli. The ticket MUST be printed on standard, white A4 paper. It is also possible to scan the barcodes directly from your phone in Tivoli. Then it is important that you bring the original PDF-file on your phone - and not just a picture of it - so that Tivoli's scanners can read the barcode.

If you have forgotten your print@home ticket, you can have your ticket printed at Tivoli's Box Office which is located at the left of the main entrance on Vesterbrogade 3. There is a fee of DKK 25 on re-print of show tickets.

DO NOT tear or cut the ticket

Each barcode can only be read once by Tivoli's entry system. We recommend that you take good care of your print@home tickets so that others do not have the opportunity to copy and misuse them.