Rasmus Klump's favorite dish

Rasmus Klump loves pancakes, but does he know what they're made of?

From April 2 - September 22

Rasmus Klump's House

Rasmus Klump's friend, Flora the gardener, comes to visit. But where's Rasmus Klump? She looks inside the house, around the house and even on top of the house! But there's no Rasmus Klump! Rasmus Klump is hiding from his friend. When he shows himself at last, they are very happy to see each other.

Rasmus Klump loves pancakes, so he talks his good friend into making some. But oops! When Rasmus Klump comes out of his house, the pancake plate is empty! I wonder who ate all the pancakes?

After the show, Rasmus Klump, Pingo, and Flora will be giving out big bear hugs and high fives to everyone!


September 13
Included in the admission fee to Tivoli
September 14
Included in the admission fee to Tivoli
September 15
Included in the admission fee to Tivoli
September 16
Included in the admission fee to Tivoli
September 17
Included in the admission fee to Tivoli
September 18
Included in the admission fee to Tivoli
September 19
Included in the admission fee to Tivoli
September 20
Included in the admission fee to Tivoli
September 21
Included in the admission fee to Tivoli
September 22
Included in the admission fee to Tivoli