Sunday, May 19, 2024
At 15:00
Join cheesemaker Jakob Feilberg Olsen and winemaker Bertel Baagøe for an intimate discussion exploring goat cheeses, natural wines, and their shared passion for transforming the finest ingredients from their own farms.
Taste three exceptional wines and cheeses from their respective farms, as they delve into their craft and philosophies.
Jakob operates Tothaven Farm Dairy near Hundested on Zealand, crafting exclusive goat cheeses, yogurt, and even goat milk ice pops from his small herd.
Bertel co-owns Garbolund vineyard near Annisse in North Zealand, producing pure natural wines free from additives or manipulations.
The event will take place in the Communal Tent in front of The Open Air Stage.
NOTE: This free event is limited to 60 attendees. Spots are first-come, first-served on the day of the event, starting at 15.00.